
By the way...

I got a new job!  If you'd like to find out more about it, please check out the new location of my blog.  It's the same blog, just in a different format.  It will become something of a travelogue in the coming months, but I will continue to is it for networking for future jobs.



New Blog Location

I hope you'll check out my new blog location.  It is the same blog, but has a home page and a better overall look.



Let me begin by apologizing for the break in posts.  I went to California to see my family on Christmas Eve and planned to put up a few posts before New Years.  Due to a death in the family and some subsequent logistical issues, I have not had much time to think about posting.

But I'm back.  I have had ideas for great posts swirling through my mind and I look forward to putting pen to paper.  I have some big news that I plan to share soon.  I also have a new blog website that I plan to launch in the next few days.  I can't wait to show you.  Stay tuned.

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Until next time.
