
Taft, What is Your Personality Type?

I’m glad you asked.  According to the Myers & Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), I am an ENTJ.  According to the book Talk Type at Work, ENTJs are referred to as the Fieldmarshals or Executives.

I found this description of ENTJs at Personality Page:

"ENTJs are constantly scanning their environment for potential problems which they can turn into solutions. They generally see things from a long-range perspective, and are usually successful at identifying plans to turn problems around - especially problems of a corporate nature. ENTJs are usually successful in the business world, because they are so driven to leadership. They're tireless in their efforts on the job, and driven to visualize where an organization is headed. For these reasons, they are natural corporate leaders...

There is not much room for error in the world of the ENTJ. They dislike to see mistakes repeated, and have no patience with inefficiency. They may become quite harsh when their patience is tried in these respects, because they are not naturally tuned in to people's feelings, and more than likely don't believe that they should tailor their judgments in consideration for people's feelings...

ENTJs love to interact with people. As Extroverts, they're energized and stimulated primarily externally. There's nothing more enjoyable and satisfying to the ENTJ than having a lively, challenging conversation. They especially respect people who are able to stand up to the ENTJ, and argue persuasively for their point of view. There aren't too many people who will do so, however, because the ENTJ is a very forceful and dynamic presence who has a tremendous amount of self-confidence and excellent verbal communication skills."

I was astonished the first time I read a description of ENTJs.  It is a surprisingly accurate description of me.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I am constantly in search of problems to fix and ways to make whatever I do more efficient and effective.  Though I’m sure it doesn’t show, I am confident and willing to debate any point about which I feel strongly.  However, this doesn’t mean that I am disrespectful of others.  I respect the chain of command and do not let my strong opinions get in the way of relationships with colleagues.

What is your personality type?  You can take the MBTI at HumanMetrics.com.  It only takes five minutes and may give you a clear insight into your personality.  If you take the test, please leave a comment and tell everyone what you learned.

Until next time.



  1. Oh, I bet you couldn't guess who would comment! I feel like I should tell you I love the new curtains or something...but that would be weird huh? Seriously, loving the blog. Have found some helpful advice I have applied to my own work and therefore, why would I NOT come back daily to see what's new?

    That said, I found out that I have changed from an INFP to an INFJ over the past 3 years, now becoming one of three percent of the population who are the "Counselor" type personality. Bet you would have NEVER guessed that! Very nice that they offer it for free - and it was very spot on.

    Keep sharing! You may find me my ideal career! :)

  2. First of all - I am quite the believer in the Myers Briggs. Ever since I first took this freshman year of college, I have been an ESFJ. I took it again just to check. Still the same.

    This link has a description - and it fits me well:


  3. @Shell - I'm glad you're still commenting. Knowing that someone is reading makes me want to keep posting, so thank you. The "Counselor" type makes perfect sense to me. I appreciate the advice you've given and hope you will continue to help me find ways to improve the site (and my job search).

  4. @Catie - Your MBTI results seem to be spot-on too. For as long as I can remember, you have been taking care of and helping people in any way you can. I think that's part of what makes you such a great person.

    Thanks for keeping up with the blog and joining in the discussions!

  5. ESTJ - Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging
    Never would've guessed that about me, huh? It's remarkably funny just how accurate those tests are!

  6. Im an ISTP. Introverted, sensing, thinking, perceiving
